A / 1st Grade
Near perfect, we pride ourselves on having a strict grading system, 95% of our pins in this grade have 0 imperfections. Any and all imperfections will only be noticable under bright light and very close inspections. Max 1 per pin. These could include:
- light scratches on the metal
- 1 or 2 flecks of overturned glitter
- small screen printing over metal
B / 2nd Grade
These pins have flaws or imperfections that are noticeable in normal light at arms length. They are still perfect for boards or banners. Max 2 per pin. These could include:
- any from previous grade
- scuffed enamel or metal
- flecks of dust in the enamel
- overfilled enamel that encroaches on the metal lines
- noticeable scratches in the metal
- small gouges or marks in the enamel
- pin posts that sway
- underfill of enamel in 1 or 2 areas
- glitter flecks in non-glitter enamel areas
C / 3rd Grade
These pins have flaws or imperfections that are immediately noticeable or have multiple B grade errors. They can still be loved in the right situations. Additional errors could include:
- missing enamel in a small area
- wrong coloured enamel filled